Saylor Replaces Water with Bitcoin - water

Saylor Replaces Water with Bitcoin

Saylor’s latest culinary metaphor has attracted a scathing response from Schiff

Shaquille O’Neal may still be in hot water over Astral NFTs, says judge - water, nfts, judge

Shaquille O’Neal may still be in hot water over Astral NFTs, says judge

A Miami judge didn’t dismiss a claim that basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal was a “seller” of Astrals NFTs and found they could be securities under US law.

Cointelegraph by Jesse Coghlan
Malaysian Government Blames Bitcoin Mining for Electricity Theft - water, million

Malaysian Government Blames Bitcoin Mining for Electricity Theft

The Minister of Energy and Water claims the country has lost $682 million since 2018.