Texas Surges in U.S. States' Race to Put Public Funds Into Crypto - sb, trump, donald trump, state, cardano, house, CoinDesk, solana, Crypto, bitcoin, one, xrp, senate

Texas Surges in U.S. States' Race to Put Public Funds Into Crypto

Several U.S. states are getting closer to putting public money into cryptocurrencies effort, spurred by President Donald Trump since he announced plans to do the same on a federal level. And Texas is now among the leading contenders.On Thursday, the

California governor vetoes hotly-contested AI safety bill - sb, ai

California governor vetoes hotly-contested AI safety bill

Gavin Newsom has vetoed SB 1048, saying that “while well-intentioned,” it could place unnecessary restrictions on emerging AI companies in California.

Cointelegraph by Tom Mitchelhill