Telegram founder Pavel Durov authorized to leave France for Dubai for several weeks
Pavel Durov, the Franco-Russian founder of Telegram, has been granted permission to leave France for Dubai for several weeks, following modifications to his judicial supervision terms, Le Parisien reported Saturday, citing sources from AFP.A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to the news outlet that he departed from Le Bourget Airport near Paris this morning, with authorities' approval.Pavel Durov was arrested at Le Bourget Airport last August and placed under formal investigation. He was released on bail of €5 million but remained barred from leaving France while the investigation continued.French authorities have charged Durov with multiple criminal offenses stemming from Telegram's use, including enabling the distribution of CSAM, facilitating drug trafficking, organized fraud, and other illegal activities. Telegram is also accused of non-cooperation with law enforcement by failing to provide requested information during investigations.The CEO of Telegram appeared in a Paris court for the first time last December.According to a December report from AFP, Durov said he became aware of serious platform issues during police custody in Paris. He promised to improve the messaging app's moderation practices.Durov, who initially blamed France for failing to provide proper alerts, claimed he was fully cooperating with French authorities, noting that they, including the president's office and intelligence services, had his contact information.During his first substantive interrogation on December 6, Durov reiterated that he "did not create" Telegram in 2013 with his brother "for criminals," though their presence has increased. The platform currently removes "15 to 20 million user accounts and one to two million channels and groups" monthly, according to him.The Dubai-based company, which reported its first annual net profit in late December, faces $2 billion in debt according to Durov.Telegram provided "identifying information concerning more than 10,000 users" in the first six months of 2024, Durov stated. When questioned about this figure relative to the platform's 950 million users, an investigating magistrate noted the small proportion.French authorities have returned Telegram founder Pavel Durov's passport, allowing him to leave the country, the TON Foundation announced today.The foundation expressed support for Durov and Telegram's mission in a statement :"As part of the decentralized TON community, we have stood in solidarity with Pavel, supporting his unwavering dedication to defending the right to free speech and privacy online."The announcement sent Toncoin (TON) soaring 19% to approximately $3.5, according to CoinGecko data.