Magpie (MGP) - PancakeSwap Listing - 27 Jan 2025

Magpie (MGP) - PancakeSwap Listing - 27 Jan 2025

Magpie (MGP) will be listed on PancakeSwap on January 27, 2025. Such a listing can often boost the price of a token due to increased accessibility and liquidity. PancakeSwap is a popular decentralized exchange, making it easier for users to buy and sell Magpie tokens. When more people can buy Magpie easily, more demand may follow, leading to a possible price increase. Keep an eye on trading volumes after the listing goes live. For more details, see the announcement on X.Listapie officially secured more than $1.7M via the Launchpad LTP IDO + the LTP IFO.️The token is set to start trading on January 27th on PCS.Thanks for your support.
